Greetings Vondelingers,

Well, the grape harvest is in and the wines are pressed. Also, our first small almond harvest was picked. Time to take a bit of a breather. People often ask me what is the most beautiful time of year here and April must be right up there. The days are getting shorter and the autumnal light is really gorgeous and most of the tourists have gone home to enjoy the start of the European summer and rain.

The new vineyard plantings are coming on nicely. Below is a new block of Shiraz planted last August. We will get a small crop off it in year 3. To grow a baby vine (stokkie as we call it here) takes a lot of patient work to get it to traverse up the tobacco stick and then onto the cordon wire and to finally coax the growth into a crucifix.

Tashwell won the golden shovel for digging out 15.5 tons of petit Verdot skins in 22 minutes from an emptied 25,000-liter tank. A terrific achievement! Here he is with winemaker Emile receiving his coveted prize.

There was a lovely wedding recently and also the tasting room has been busy. We also had a wonderful well attended service in the chapel on Easter Sunday with Reverand Rod Walsh officiating and his wife Jennie playing the organ quite beautifully.

Have a wonderful May. I will revert towards the end of the month.

All the best and take care!
