Greetings Vondelingers,

Well of course it’s not darling buds of May here at all, as we are in autumn in the Cape, but I just thought it had a nice ring to it. We had to move our starting time here on the farm to 7.30 a.m. because at 7 a.m it’s still dark.

The sunrises and sunsets at this time of year are quite breathtaking though. This is taken from our new farm; Vrymansfontein.

There is also a new leopard prowling around but we haven’t caught him on camera yet. Found this yesterday by the dam.

We had cable robbers here on Vondeling at the beginning of the month which meant no electricity for 2 days, but the repair cable team was amazing and has replaced most of our lines with aluminum cables instead of copper, so fingers crossed they won’t get nicked anymore!

On the wine front, we are about to release our 2020 Babiana, as the 2019 vintage sold out in a flash, partly due to its 5-star rating in the 2021 Platter Wine Guide. The picture below was taken by my friend Bruce Jack, having a good “chub up” lunch at Foxcroft Restaurant in Constantia. (Highly recommended by the way!)

Also, we have just bottled our premium vintage of “Little Sparkle”, a 100% chardonnay sparkling brut wine, which we are very excited about selling at a very decent price point. Here is a flattering pic of our Cellarmaster, Matthew Copeland, at the bottling yesterday.

I was sent a wonderful picture from a friend of mine’s daughter currently on a gap year in Kenya, where Vondeling has a great following.

Last Sunday we had the most fantastic Mothers Day Brunch at the tasting room, accompanied by some wonderful music. See below to book for our Savoury Cheesecake & Wine Pairing and to buy our lovely Autumn special!

Please come and visit us and taste our latest vintages in the tasting room. It really is so beautiful this time of year.

Take care and enjoy the wines!



Join us for a wonderful savory cheesecake and wine pairing – something so delicious and unique!

Guests will be welcomed with a glass of Vondeling Rosé and some biltong on arrival. Included in the tasting are the following pairings:

1. Salmon cheesecake paired with Vondeling Chardonnay
2. Salami cheesecake paired with Vondeling Baldrick Shiraz
3. Biltong cheesecake paired with Vondeling Barrel Selection Cabernet Sauvignon
4. Sweet Cheesecake paired with Rosé

DATE: Saturday 22 May 2021
TIME: 11h00 for 11h30. The tasting will start at 11h30 sharp.
AVAILABILITY: Only 40 seats are available
VENUE: Vondeling Wines Tasting Room, Voor-Paardeberg, Paarl
COST: R300 per person
BOOKINGS: Essential and can be made with Zeldi du Plessis on [email protected]. Pre-payment secures your booking.

Regrettably, we are unable to accommodate children under the age of 18.

Guests are welcome to linger longer at Vondeling on the shaded terrace or lawns with a bottle of Vondeling Wines afterward until 14h45. Biltong and other snacks will also be available to purchase.